
Not much is known about this company. One thing however is for sure. These helmets are not REAL deep sea diving helmets. They were especially produced for the collectors market. As you can see in the picture, alot of Asian parts were used. You cannot dive these helmets! If you would like to make one fit to go down, it would need alot of serious attention. Also be aware that the value is much lower than that of a real helmet.....

Kelvinn Bottomly diving helmet with brass nametags on breastplate and bonnet. There are two airducts inside.

Kelvinn Bottomley & Bario diving helmet in a slightly different style as the one above. It looks very Asian but has a London address stamped into the breastplate. There are 2 airducts inside, loke in a Korean helmet. Air inlet and exhaust look very Asian as well. The breatplate is really flat.

Kelvinn Bottomley & Bario diving helmet in a slightly different style as the one above. Pictures contributed by Javier Gros